Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Office: 3308 Siebel Center
Phone: 217-300-2422
Email: slazebni -at-

Google Scholar, CV

I received my Ph.D. at UIUC in May 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Jean Ponce. From August 2007 to December 2011 I was an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and as of January 2012, I have returned as faculty to U of I. My research specialty is computer vision. The main themes of my research include scene understanding, joint modeling of images and text, large-scale photo collections, and machine learning techniques for visual recognition problems.

Current and former sources of support for my research include the National Science Foundation (under grants IIS 1718221, IIS 1563727, IIS 1228082, CIF 1302438, and IIS 0916829), Amazon Research Award, AWS Machine Learning Research Award, Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship, Xerox University Affairs Committee Grants, DARPA Computer Science Study Group, Sloan Foundation Fellowship, Google Research Award, ARO, and Adobe.

Ph.D. Students

Former Ph.D. Students

Former Postdocs

  • Tatiana Tommasi -- UNC (2015-2016, co-advised with Tamara and Alex Berg), now at Politecnico di Torino
  • Juan Caicedo -- U of I (2012-2014), now at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard


Research Highlights

Virtual Try-On, Image Stylization

Video Tracking and Label Propagation

Collaborative Embodied Agents

Past Projects

Incremental and Multi-Task Learning

Visual Grounding

Image-Text Embeddings

Object Detection with Adaptive Proposals

Misc. Scene Understanding

Image Parsing

Similarity-Preserving Binary Codes

Landmark Photo Collections

Spatial Pyramid Matching

Texture and Object Recognition Using Local Features

3D Object Modeling and Recognition in Images and Video


  • I was born in Kiev, Ukraine. If you want to learn more about my birth date, you can read this essay I wrote in high school.
  • My husband and scientific collaborator: Maxim Raginsky.
  • I take photos from time to time. Check out my Flickr account.

Last updated December 18, 2023